Bio Suisse
With their diverse production, Bud farms guarantee natural cycles and avoid health-damaging impacts by refraining from the use of genetic engineering and chemically-synthesized sprays and fertilizers. In food processing the Bud brand stands for careful handling and refraining from the use of unnecessary additives.
Benefit to customerA farm which has been awarded the Bud brand benefits from the consumers’ trust in what must surely be the most well-known brand for organic products in Switzerland. Public awareness of Bio Suisse’s “Knospe” (Bud) label has been maintained for many years at a high level by means of active marketing and sales promotion. Swiss consumers have great confidence in the label. As a result, demand for organic products carrying the Bud label is growing steadily.
BasisThe Bio Suisse guidelines for the production, processing and trade in Bud products, Bio Suisse instructions with respect to the directives for licensees and on-farm processors.
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Agriculture, Processing

Deputy, Agriculture, Processing